Monday, September 7, 2009

turning point

Its been a funny couple of days..
Yesterday was Fathers Day..the first since my Dad passed away..which as happy as I was to be with my wonderful husband whom is the BEST dad it was still very emotional.
I've been feeling a lot lately that I am in the middle of some sort of shifting sand.
My teaching job that I used to love has lost some of its appeal and I feel like there is somewhere else I should be.
I LOVE my B&B business...making a gilded nest that other people get to experience if only for a night. I wouldnt say I am a particularly creative person but as a line in a book I once read put it I love to 'create havens'.
So the question I am asking myself is .....where to now??

Thursday, August 27, 2009

more about me

I am so enjoying traversing my way around other peoples blogs and then the blogs that they follow....which I guess is what its all about.
Its also interesting the many different ways people use their blogs and this is something I am still developing.
I've also realised that I havent really shared too much about me and what gets me up in the morning so thought I would share some things that I love though not in any particular order;

1. anything French - food fashion gardens real estate ( dont we all want to own a chateau or 3??)

2. beautiful gardens..or those that I think have potential

3. reading - never get enough of reading

4. travel - real or armchair it all excites me

5. food

6. old houses/buildings

7. the beach and the forest

8. quiet time (hardly ever happens which is probably why I love it!!)

9. the colour red

10. creativity in people

I could probably add more but that will keep for another day...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

spring in the mountains

Spring has decided to come early this year...we can only hope that we wont get a late frost for the orchardists sake.
I love much promise.
Spring also reminds me of all the chores I meant to get done over winter and never quite got to...oh well.
Hope your having a great day

Monday, July 27, 2009


Hi Everyone!

Well I have finally done it - my own blog!

Hope you will all be gentle with me as I navigate and learn and of course please feel free to offer advice.

Welcome to all those whose blogs I already visit and to those I am yet to find.
